
Double standards on kerb and guttering

I am writing this to hopefully bring to light an issue at Ettalong.It seems there is again a double standard between private developers and Council-owned properties. When a change is made to the property, the…

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What was Government’s role in Council downturn?

There will be many opinions claiming to pinpoint the reasons for the Central Coast Council’s financial crisis. Its origins pre-date the failed administration of Gosford Council pre-amalgamation and related matters such as attempts to constrain…

Beachgoers deserve to feel safe

When walking my dog along the Ettalong foreshore last Thursday, I picked up a lot of broken glass, tiles and asbestos pieces. I didn’t want to leave anything behind that would cause harm to other…

Fake traffic studies for development applications?

Current methods used to measure the impact of new developments on traffic and parking make a mockery of traffic planning.The associated reports could well be described as fake traffic studies.They do little to aid the…

Coronavirus prevention more luck than good practice

After visiting the supermarket in Umina, my casual observations confirmed that we are relying more on luck than good practice when it comes to preventing the spread of Covid-19 throughout the community.Of the 100 or…

Inconvenient track work

I’m writing about the inconvenience of train track works from Newcastle interchange to Central.It’s unbelievable to do this work on the long weekend, right in the middle of the school holidays.Some idiots have decided to…

Getting rid of states has complications

In the last edition of Peninsula News, Mr Jim Brooks has discovered that the States are an anachronistic drag on the country in the piece titled “Pandemic highlights ridiculous inconsistency”.In the letter to the editor,…

No reason why bridge ritual should not continue

Much has been written and spoken about the controversy concerning the St Hubert’s Island bridge-safety railing or no safety railing is the issue.However, nothing is being written or spoken on behalf of the young people…

‘Safety fence’ is not needed at $900,000

I write to convey my complete disappointment and opposition to the Central Coast Council’s intention to expend the huge amount of $900,000 to prevent a very small number of local youths diving (jumping) from the…

No incident in last three years helped by bridge project

With the St Hubert’s Island bridge project’s funding through the Urban Congestion Fund, it is very difficult to see how this proposal contributes to “supporting upgrades to the urban road network to reduce congestion and…