Application to build three townhouses

A $1.1 million application to build three townhouses at 82 Cambridge St, Umina, has been lodged with Central Coast Council.
The townhouses will replace the current single dwelling that occupies the 755 square metre residential block.
The application seeks consent for the demolition of the existing dwelling and vegetation and construction of three three-bedroom town houses with garages, driveway, stormwater tanks and front courtyard fencing.
Vehicular access is proposed via a driveway that would run along the southern side of the site.
No major deviations from the Gosford LEP 2014 or DCP are noted in the statement submitted in favour of the development application although the proposal does slightly fall short of required front, rear and side setbacks.
One submission has been received in relation to the proposal which calls for efforts to be made to preserve the trees on the property.
The developer proposes retaining the large jacaranda at the front of the property but the loss of two other trees at the rear is described as “unavoidable”.
“Cambridge has not much in the way of shade left and any retention of trees would help sell-increase the price of these units to new owners,” the submission said.
“All too often, contractors clearfell every last thing on these old blocks when with a bit of thought, trees can be preserved.
“Can Council ensure, if trees are taken down, the replanting two for one happens?
“The Peninsula and Umina, in particular, is now rated by Council’s land-heat survey as one of the hottest areas on the Central Coast by four degrees aided by in-fill housing, more tin fences, more hard surfaces (driveways and roofs) and taking down of too many trees.”

DA Tracker, 25 Jun 2020
DA58544/2020, Central Coast Council